Friday, March 11, 2016

Horseback Riding

My family and I went to Mexico in the summer of 2010. We went horseback riding on a Saturday at my Uncle Victor’s ranch. It was my two sisters, two cousins, uncle, and I. We had three horses, so two of us were on one horse. The horses’ colors were brown and blonde. The smell of the farm were poop, tortas, and carne asada. My cousins and I were so bored at my grandparent’s house. So we had an idea to go to my uncle victor’s ranch to see all of the horses. We walked to the ranch and it took an hour. When we got to the ranch, we decided to go horseback riding. I got my horse and we got two other horses. We had two people in each horses. We left the ranch with the three horses. We rode them for about an hour and a half. Then we gave the horses a thirty minute rest from the long walk. After my cousins and I decided to go horse racing. So we got one person on two horses and we decided to race. I went first against my older cousin but it was a tie. My cousins and I started to have more horse races. After the races, we took a break and went back to the ranch returned the horses. We got back to the ranch and gave the horses’ food and water. After feeding the horses, we put them back in their stables to rest. Then we closed all the stables and we went back to my grandparent’s house around nine. My cousins and I got to the house and it was an hour of walking. My aunts and uncles gave us a plate of food: rice, carne asada, tortas, and tacos. I felt like it was buffet on my plate and we ate out food. After we were done eating, I went to sit down for a while. My family and I decided to go home already because it was one in the morning. So we said, “bye”! To my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles, it was an amazing experiment to ride horses. The next day, we woke up at nine and went to church at ten thirty in the morning. After we got out of church, we decided to go eat at my grandparent’s house to eat. While the guys and the kids went to go fix the fire up, the ladies and girls were getting the plates ready for dinner. After the ladies and guys were done getting everything ready, everybody got their plate to serve food. When we were done eating, we went to go walk around the city and went to stores for more food. My cousins and I went to the computers to go play games on them for a little bit. After we were done playing at the computers, we decided to go back to my grandparent’s house because it started raining. When we got back, my parents and I decided to home and pack our things because it was our last day to be in Mexico. We got home and I started packing all my clothes, shoes, and blankets. Our plane takes off at three thirty and we left my grandparent’s house at one. My aunt and cousin dropped me and my family off at the airport and we said bye to them. Finally, we got on the plane and the plane flew off but I had such a great amazing time with my family in Mexico doing a lot of things like the computers and horseback riding.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


All I know about China before this unit is that they made supplies that were made in the companies. I think now they have build a lot of things because China has build a lot of things and sold them in America. I would sometimes considered visiting at china to see how they made things and how much time does it take. Also I think that I have read about China it shows that they have made the supplies and sold them to America to see how much people buy the supplies. China had to lower the prices because a lot of people wouldn't buy the supplies because they were expensive to buy.

I think the Prezi idea was not really what I would go for because it looks like it was extra work and looked complicated and I don't know if I would change my mind to try it in the future. It was great working with powerpoint because its more easier and it makes sense. I think working with the easy Bib was not that good because I got confused at first trying to get the page . I would have done differently for the project is that I would have put pictures, more pictures, and more slides in the projects to make it more better.